
Speed Talk (2) English
9月14日 9:30~11:30 B会場
座長:Keita Abe(Musashi University)

Impact of sustainable agricultural practices on household welfare and labor demand: A case study in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Thu Hien1, ○Ho Thanh Tam2, 島田 幸司1, Hoang Ha Anh3, Nguyen Van Cuong3, Le Cong Tru31Ritsumeikan University, 2Asia-Japan Research Institute, 3Nong Lam University)
Who Sells Illegal Fuelwood? Evidence from local market sales in northeastern Bangladesh
○中山 ひとみ, Rahman Md Habibur, 三谷 羊平(Kyoto University)
The Impact of Air Pollution on Child Growth in Myanmar: Insights from the 2015-2016 DHS and Satellite Data
○Sophia Lay, 日引 聡(東北大学)
Environmental Policy and Export Dynamics: A Firm-Level Analysis of China's Five-Year Plans
○TANG LINGYU, Hibiki Akira(東北大学)
When can green public procurement really stimulate eco-innovation? Considering the role of intellectual capital
Farmer's Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from Vietnamese Rural Households
○Mai Chinh1, 日引 聡1, Welch Eric21Tohoku University, 2Arizona State University)
Health and Sustainability at Risk: An Empirical Study on the Household Solid Waste Challenge in Panama
○Chavez Ambar, 日引 聡(東北大学)