Non-market Valuation
9月14日 13:40~15:40 D会場
座長:Masahiro Sato(Tohoku University)
- Quantifying the Impact of Culture on Domestic Water-saving
○YANG GUOLUNAN, Sato Masahiro(Tohoku University)
討論者:吉田 謙太郎 (九州大学)
- Assessing preferences for forest carbon credit and co-benefits: A choice experiment case study in Japan
Triana Novelia1, 太田 貴大2, ○昔 宣希1(1長崎大学, 2大阪大学)
討論者:佐藤 正弘 (東北大学)
- Comparing Framing Effects on Implicit Prices of Multiple Agricultural Water Quality between China and Japan-A Lasso Meta-Analysis Based on Choice Experiments
○Zhang Jingna(Kyoto University)
討論者:昔 宣希 (長崎大学)