
Environmental Economics and Policy: Empirics(2)
9月15日 14:20~16:20 E会場
座長:Bo Shi(Kyushu University)

Trade in Value Added and Global Footprint: A Unified Output Accounting Framework
討論者:ZHANG TUO (東北大学)
Higher Stakes, Lower Gains: Analyzing the Revenue Cannibalization Effect of Renewable Energies in the Electricity Market with PyPSA-Japan2050 Model
○ZHANG TUO(東北大学)
討論者:石 博 (九州大学)
Impacts of investing renewable energy on human capital and future sustainability: A framework of inclusive wealth analysis at province-level in China
○石 博1, 姜 秋恵2, 石 敏俊2, 馬奈木 俊介11九州大学, 2浙江大学)
討論者:岡 敏弘 (京都大学)