Speed Talk (2) E
9月30日 14:00~16:00 A会場
座長:阿部 景太(武蔵大学)
- Farmers’ adaptation to climate change: Evidence from Vietnamese rural households
○Mai Chinh, 日引 聡(東北大学)
- Decomposition Analysis and Trend Prediction of Energy-Consumption CO2 Emissions in China’s Yangtze River Delta Region
○袁 月, 昔 宣希(長崎大学)
- The Role of Considering Environmental Impact on Food Policy-making: A Life Cycle Assessment Study Applied on Alternative Plant-based Meat
○Lalas Nichole Eunice1, Cardos Harlene3, Izumi Atsushi3, Ochiai Koji3, Itsubo Norihiro2, Okubo Hiroki1(1Tokyo City University, 2Waseda University, 3DAIZ Inc.)
- Examining the factors promoting low carbon transportation practices: A case study on the truck fleet industry of Japan
○Mudagei Nipuni(Saitama University)
- The effects of a national energy saving urge on residential electricity consumption
○嶌田 栄樹1, Jo Jinmahn2, 本田 智則1(1産業技術総合研究所, 2カリフォルニア大学デービス校)
- なぜ EV 推進政策は直接的な受益者以外の EV 購入意図を高めるのか
○秋山 知也, 亀田 達也(東京大学)
- Feedback-adjusted carbon prices
○阪本 浩章(神戸大学)